If you are furloughed or laid off from your job, you may be eligible for unemployment compensation through the EDD. Visit edd.ca.gov for information. Visit https://edd.ca.gov/ for information.
If you are quarantined or you or a family member is sick with COVID-19, you are eligible for two weeks of paid sick leave, and up to 10 weeks of paid expanded family and medical leave. Contact your employer or visit https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-employee-paid-leave for more information.
You may be eligible for reduced-cost health insurance. Contact Covered California at (800) 300-1506 or visit https://www.coveredca.com/.
If you need help with making ends meet in California, visit https://www.211ca.org/ or call 211 to learn what resources may be available to you.
Please contact us to recommend programs to add to this list.
DISCLAIMER: COVID-19 BLACK aggregates health and well-being resources from culturally appropriate organizations and publications for the African ancestry community. COVID-19 BLACK is not a service provider. The presence of an organization in the COVID-19 BLACK resource directory does not reflect an endorsement of the organization or its services. If you have concerns about specific content on our site, we encourage you to contact us, as well as the provider of the service or source of the information.
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